Saturday, July 29, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
you know like they teach you to like make the begnining of your story or whatever your writing interesting? like supposidly it makes you want to read on, so yea im practicing that now and like yea. so its going good for me here.
ok, so i go to the market, we left late so we didnt get as much food as we should have, but it was enough,.,..
on the way home is where the cool, exciting, wonderful, heart breaking, and cool adventure thing starts,.
so we get a cab to take us and the veggies and fruits home, but yea after we put all the food in, we realized that there isn't enough space to fit all of us and the food. so i went to go take a bus home.
being a grown man and stuff, i had no problem going to the bus stop.
gabe gave me 5 pesos for transport and so i hopped on a bus. yea im not dumb, i did look at the number on the bus.
ok, so like as were driving down on this retarded bus like for 15 to 20 min, i realized that i was on the wrong bus....
now imagine getting up after your freeday and at 7:00 and having to go to the market.... then you get on the wrong bus and have no money for anotehr one.
ok, but im gettnig the the hot part here so pls keep reading.
so im siting there kinda freaknig out in my mind... then this like totally hot chick like gets on the bus and like man, she was a totally hot chick ... like man, ok look, iif you were there you would have been drooling. man she like pwned and everything. like man she was almost too hot to look at. i like almost asked her to marry me. she had a mini skirt on man... liek i love her and everything... oh and she had a good cleavage and like she had an awsome body.
like as she got on the bus, she like kinda checked me out i think. like i mean, yea ... so i did too. then i remembered that i was on the wrong bus and then i got this like chechk thing to ask her for stuff. yea she like looked like she spoke english... she was kinda upper class... but ooh.. she was sooooooo hot ... i still haev her smile in my head. she like turned and gave me the hottest and sweetest smile i've ever gotten. i mean, she was hotter than any other chick i've seen before... evern hotter than the pool girl. and for me to say that about my wife takes alot.
anyways i tapped her on the shoulder and like she turned around (thats when she gave me the hot smile thing) so i explained my situation and told her that i didnt have money and she gave me 10 pesos and another lady gave me 10 more pesos.... man and i had enough to buy two packs of halls. i love her,....
shes my tuti fruti summer love.
with a tini-wini-string bikini.
Monday, July 24, 2006
retarted browsers.
I have had this like posted on my BLOG for ages.. but i dont know if anyone actually watched it..... so please do.. it pwns yo.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
so yea like there going to Japan now.. and like yea well we here will miss them... like miss as in there not here not miss as in the lory truck missed you so your still alive.
dude, like im gonna miss worming man....
suzy says shes gonna get good at it now so she can pwn me.... since you aint here like no one can really pwn me at anything.... lol.
we need anotehr nerd.. so if you are one.. then drop us a line.
that you are cool
that you are nerdy
that you pwn at worms
that you aren't a n00b
that you like can cook
that you like play worms
taht you like are good at basktelball
taht you dont think taht teh rst of us pwnereers are n00bs
that you speak some spanish
taht you can sleep
that you arent a canible
that you umm... have an emial add
that you know some basic BASH (and pwn at it like me)
that you are human
that you arent ugly.
ok so theres the list... be happy, some other lists i've seen are twice as short.
ok... yo heres happy pics...

pwning the n00bs at the water park....

Thursday, July 20, 2006
best regards to my oponent person. lol.
oh well, exitement is over....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Vanity Contest |
Who wins? |
Results Free poll on your website? |
new poll is up so use that pls. so yea vote again. sry for that..
view the results here.
My Vanity post.
about 6 months ago, i got hired as a model, so I thought i'd thorough in my wallpapers... for teh fane lol.
therefore download and use these wonderfull wallpapers on your desktop.
the latter is a wonderfull movie that I star in.
Movie wallpaper
ok and now then pls visit my oppenents post... lol
heres the n00bs post.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
rule 4
if there are any objections pls say so within 12 hours.
rule 4 is history
Monday, July 10, 2006
Vanity Contest rules:
What vain really is,a someone who cares alot about themselves, has a mirror in hand at any given time. Cares alot about looks, always in style, usually come from a well off family with loads of money to spend on stupid brand name clothing, gucci hats and $400 shoes...Can be a girl or boy. People usually hate them since they feel so comfortable about themselves and others are just jealous.They think that their the best in everything and that theres always an easy way out because their dad or mommmy has a lot of money so they can always run to them. Vain teens usually have it best of things,cash,cars,clothing and easier than others, having expensive things to brag about. In short words, full of it, conceited,best friend is the mirror..and drug store and mall.....worships money...
A young man in my class always has a mirror in handy. He has two lockers, one for acadamic the other for his extra clothes, whitestrips, and other nicknacs. This guy is NOT gay just too full of himself, he thinks the world really cares what he wears and if his teeth are white enough. He needs to live in a 3rd world country and see that people there don't spend $50 a month to but the new premium 18 month crap whitestrips....
Vanity Contest rules:
50 1f u caN 3v3n r3@d 7h15 7h3n 7eh c0N7357 \/\/1!! b3 0N
1. p057 a P1c 0n!n3 0n uR b10g.
2. u Can 0n!y p57 a5 many p1c5 a5 y0u wan7.
3. 7eh u53r5 0r \/15170r5 0f 73h B!0gg1ng c0!\!/!un17y \/\/1LL d3c1d3 \/\/05 p1c 15 7eh m057 va1n.
there now that the rules are down, you have 2 days.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
battle of vainty
read on/
I think we'll have a battle of vainty
yeah, I mean, who cooks naked
Sam: lololol
Sam: I do
so what do you say, is the battle of vanity on?
Sam: like.....
Sam: cool faces nd stuff....
Sam: or like ..i don't know////
just vanity in general
Sam: ok
Sam: cool
Sam: I'll pwn you
who puts up more pictures of themselves on the internet
Sam: naw... I don't have tons
I'll have to find places to advertise myself :P
Sam: and tons of pics
but we're having a battle of vanity
so I guess I'm gonna pwn you
Sam: I know.... and I don't got no camera girl
fine. the battle of vanity is off.
Sam: n00b
n00b yourself
hey I commented on your blog
Sam: cool
:P :P
Sam: your like a uber n00b at vanity
Sam: let me explain...
am not
Sam: some people are like super like vain
Sam: and other people aren't
Sam: and so then the other pwnerers
oh you don't say
Sam: are like hey you n00b
Sam: and the vain people are like n00bs already
Sam: so they like go and say no im not
Sam: but then they are
................I've got one word for you sam
Sam: so they cancel themselves out....
it's like this
Sam: k
Sam: cool
Sam: what is it?
Sam: .......................>:/
Sam: that's it....

Bringing a message of true love to the world!
Pleasureman Gunther is set to have the biggest smash-hit of the summer with his fantastic debut single 'Ding Dong Song'. Günther is a 29 years old gentleman style 2000 in his best years. Günther is a true European, his origin is Sweden but he sees himself as a global citizen.
Günther has always been in the entertainment industry and now he feels it is time to change the attitude of the world to do something better.
Günther wants to change the worlds look at the sexual way of thinking, so he have started a new trend to sexualise it more in the world. "A Günther trend".
He has only started his mission to go out in the world and spread the message of Love.
The four main things in Günthers life are Champagne, Glamour, Sex and Respect!
check out his stuff at: