The wonders of people who actually like a nice design and like to have the nicest visual experience on the lowest quality visual experience
Now this is what I mean.
imagine all of the small people who don't mind if your computer looks ugly and blue? Why do they not care? If they had a good taste, they wouldn't be able to even look at the blue berry of death theme. Not only that, but they are consistently opening 10 chat windows when they can chat with tabs. Also they want to use their default IM programs, without realizing that they could have a better chatting experience. Many people wish that there were better features in other chat platforms (Yahoo messenger and MSN messenger) but they don't say anything out of ignorance or they just don't care enough.
Another display of ignorance of the average computer user is this:
Average computer user: "oh hey cool, how'd you do that?"
Me: "hu?"
Average computer user: "what are those?"
Me: "its called tabbed browsing"
Average computer user: "what?"
Average computer user: "what's that?"
Average computer user: "no, that..."
Average computer user: "those things in the top..."
Average computer user: "yeah those..."
Me: "Don't you use firefox?"
Average computer user: "oh, yes, I've been using it for a while now."
so if you get my point there then it is appreciated.
and now finally, here is the essence of chatting.
--the visual experience.

imagine all of the small people who don't mind if your computer looks ugly and blue? Why do they not care? If they had a good taste, they wouldn't be able to even look at the blue berry of death theme. Not only that, but they are consistently opening 10 chat windows when they can chat with tabs. Also they want to use their default IM programs, without realizing that they could have a better chatting experience. Many people wish that there were better features in other chat platforms (Yahoo messenger and MSN messenger) but they don't say anything out of ignorance or they just don't care enough.
Another display of ignorance of the average computer user is this:
Average computer user: "oh hey cool, how'd you do that?"
Me: "hu?"
Average computer user: "what are those?"
Me: "its called tabbed browsing"
Average computer user: "what?"
Average computer user: "what's that?"
Average computer user: "no, that..."
Average computer user: "those things in the top..."
Average computer user: "yeah those..."
Me: "Don't you use firefox?"
Average computer user: "oh, yes, I've been using it for a while now."
so if you get my point there then it is appreciated.
and now finally, here is the essence of chatting.
--the visual experience.

Labels: My mind
oh im totally like that i guess. why bother if ur happy with what ur using :p
i must say i like using firefox better tho... its so useful when someone comes in and u have to hide a page in a sec. hahaha
hah,, yeah man know what you mean, i get so frustrated when people are like "nah its ok....who cares" argg
Some people like the blueberry theme and they like chatting in separate chat windows...dude. Doesn't have to mean they are n00bs... and chatting and desktop themes are not all that knowing about computers consists of yo! I love the deep blue and emerald green of the blueberry theme in all it's wondrous glory and I despise the dull white and uncolorful gray of an uninteresting mac theme. Hehe, actually I think I like the windows classic theme better, takes up less cpu.
I finally commented on your blog...don't you dare delete it:)
you. I think I hear the voice of a n00b around..... *cough* *n00b *cough*
hey, and your forgetting the first color in the mac theme. blue.
Yeah, it's true, I missed that. Wuahaha! I do sound like a n00b, it's so fun!
nice blog, do you even use a mac? or do you just like the theme. I like Mac xept Lightwave has a few glitches with it.
naw, i dont own a mac.
I just haxd3d my copy of XP.
yea, i dont know how LW is with a mac.
but, it works great on my x64.
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