hey you, so like i made this cool card for like this cute chick at the other home. yea she like had her birthday.... yea was like some time ago but yea it took some time to like make this cool thing..... or not... hey oh, download the hiRES pic if oyu want...
oh right, ... i forgot....
Dear n00bs,
if you do not know how to download this picture with-out outside supurvision, then like read on.
if you do know how to like do cool stuff, (like downloading pics nd stuff), then you dont have to read the next part.
ok here goes....
well like downolad it.
so like yea have a good one and like stay cool yo.

yo, bring it out, sing it, rap, it,
zip in the zap, heres comes my c o r n rap.
really niggas, they do real things,
its a birthday yo, time for celebratin,
bring teh beer, nd don't you get in fear.
o so, take the can, take a swig, be happy, make a party..
tralala, bust a beat and take a step,
tralala, its time for stuff, your birthday in the hood.
tralala, yo, you like get in the v83.
teh nd.
oh its for Fifi.... hey is that how you spell your name? gosh.. i feel like a n00b myself.......
oh right, ... i forgot....
Dear n00bs,
if you do not know how to download this picture with-out outside supurvision, then like read on.
if you do know how to like do cool stuff, (like downloading pics nd stuff), then you dont have to read the next part.
ok here goes....
well like downolad it.
so like yea have a good one and like stay cool yo.

yo, bring it out, sing it, rap, it,
zip in the zap, heres comes my c o r n rap.
really niggas, they do real things,
its a birthday yo, time for celebratin,
bring teh beer, nd don't you get in fear.
o so, take the can, take a swig, be happy, make a party..
tralala, bust a beat and take a step,
tralala, its time for stuff, your birthday in the hood.
tralala, yo, you like get in the v83.
teh nd.
oh its for Fifi.... hey is that how you spell your name? gosh.. i feel like a n00b myself.......
really cute pic, I like it
good stuff! I showed her and she's all like "how swweeeeeeet"! Of course, all the other girls are jealous now so you might as well make birthday cards for them all and help me keep the peace. muahahaha i've gotten you in trouble now!
yea man, its like...dude! that was like....funny. hahahaha You must have said the word "like" AT LEAST 20 times. :D
hey thanks guys... but yea...
hey no one commented on my rap.... like its my 1st almost.... i should rap it for you guys sometime....
nifty little rap, have you ever watched Hazen blazen.
no i haven't............
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