r1t3 w3l ! wsa cha77ng w17h M1ka the o7hr3e n1t3 and sh3 a$k3d m3 wut a n00b w@$ nda l1ek w3ll h3r3s teh 3xpl1ina7!on th@ u w3r3 wa71Ng 4.
Definition of no0b
Shortened form of "newbie," the most hilarious insult ever invented, in which a person who uses a computer game too much is ridiculing one who does not, for being "new" at the game, which of course they once were. Generally speaking, the speaker of this "insult" is one who should be on the receiving end of most insults. Commonly found in allegiance with "1337$1'331<," or "leetspeak," the accepted language of computer gaming geeks which takes a ludicrous amount of time to type.
(A good deal of this definition is opinionated, given. But the definition still resides within.)
"MY ARE 1337 CRO-MAGNON H4XX0R!!! MY ARE PWN J00!!! n00b!!!"

1) A person who is new to a game
2) A person who, regardless of experience, lacks the skill or copmetence to be competitive in a certain game
3) Someone who tends to whine or complain when being beaten at a game - often done by accussing more skilled opponents of hacking
4) One who may talk trash, claiming to be elite at a game, only to be beaten down by a better player, or will turn down any games when challenged by better players.
1) To act or behave in the way that a n00b would
2) Behaving as if lacking experience, skill or knowledge
NOTE: Can be used with a number of connotations. Often is used mockingly or in a manner of jesting. Other times is used seriously, but is often considered a brainless or weak insult when used alone as a supposed malicious insult. Is generally considered rude and deragatory unless a person is displaying disregard and general apathy towards other players - in this case, skill may be a non-factor (see definitions 3 and 4).
See also n00bed, n00bie, and newbie
This n00b just charges in at the enemies and gets owned in the first 10 seconds of the game.
v. Look at this guy n00bing it up - I've never seen anyone die so fast, so often.

An individual that plays a particular multiplayer game less than 15 hours a day, thus causing him/her to be less skilled at that game than the person calling him/her a n00b. N00bs are usually classified as having a job, an active social life, and possibly a lover. These things are reviled in the "gamer" community, which means that n00bs are hated with a passion in thier circles. The term is usually used in Counterstrike servers and Battle.net, where many mouthbreathing "elite gamers" and internet tough-guys can be found.
Normal player: hey, how do I beat (x) if I'm using (y)?
"Elite" gamer: lololol ur a n00b u suk lolol pwned get sum skilz nub fag
Normal player: Uhhh....what?
liek y3a s0 ter3s ur def of a n00b. 0 nd u r a n00b if u r r3adng tius ting.
Definition of no0b
Shortened form of "newbie," the most hilarious insult ever invented, in which a person who uses a computer game too much is ridiculing one who does not, for being "new" at the game, which of course they once were. Generally speaking, the speaker of this "insult" is one who should be on the receiving end of most insults. Commonly found in allegiance with "1337$1'331<," or "leetspeak," the accepted language of computer gaming geeks which takes a ludicrous amount of time to type.
(A good deal of this definition is opinionated, given. But the definition still resides within.)
"MY ARE 1337 CRO-MAGNON H4XX0R!!! MY ARE PWN J00!!! n00b!!!"

1) A person who is new to a game
2) A person who, regardless of experience, lacks the skill or copmetence to be competitive in a certain game
3) Someone who tends to whine or complain when being beaten at a game - often done by accussing more skilled opponents of hacking
4) One who may talk trash, claiming to be elite at a game, only to be beaten down by a better player, or will turn down any games when challenged by better players.
1) To act or behave in the way that a n00b would
2) Behaving as if lacking experience, skill or knowledge
NOTE: Can be used with a number of connotations. Often is used mockingly or in a manner of jesting. Other times is used seriously, but is often considered a brainless or weak insult when used alone as a supposed malicious insult. Is generally considered rude and deragatory unless a person is displaying disregard and general apathy towards other players - in this case, skill may be a non-factor (see definitions 3 and 4).
See also n00bed, n00bie, and newbie
This n00b just charges in at the enemies and gets owned in the first 10 seconds of the game.
v. Look at this guy n00bing it up - I've never seen anyone die so fast, so often.

An individual that plays a particular multiplayer game less than 15 hours a day, thus causing him/her to be less skilled at that game than the person calling him/her a n00b. N00bs are usually classified as having a job, an active social life, and possibly a lover. These things are reviled in the "gamer" community, which means that n00bs are hated with a passion in thier circles. The term is usually used in Counterstrike servers and Battle.net, where many mouthbreathing "elite gamers" and internet tough-guys can be found.
Normal player: hey, how do I beat (x) if I'm using (y)?
"Elite" gamer: lololol ur a n00b u suk lolol pwned get sum skilz nub fag
Normal player: Uhhh....what?
liek y3a s0 ter3s ur def of a n00b. 0 nd u r a n00b if u r r3adng tius ting.
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