hey like hi people, this is some stuff about me, like read it, sorry its kinda short, but its like to the point and stuff. it like tells you my name and stuff.... copyright © 2006 by sam

Saturday, April 08, 2006

My hip hop album

ok so im gonna try to make a hiphop album and make it cool and all.... read on


(18:55:08) Sam: oh hey
(18:55:10) Sam: this is cool
(18:55:19) Sam: im gonna make a hip-hop album
(18:55:23) luv_isblind_imnot: ahahhahaha
(18:55:27) luv_isblind_imnot: yeah right!!!!
(18:55:28) Sam: with cool beats and stuff
(18:55:30) Sam: yes I am
(18:55:34) Sam: simz is gonna help me
(18:55:43) Sam: seriously
(18:55:50) luv_isblind_imnot: OH MI GOD! GOOD LORD!
(18:55:53) Sam: ?
(18:56:03) Sam: what's wrong
(18:56:06) Sam: I really am
(18:56:09) luv_isblind_imnot: THAT IS JUST HILARIOUS!!!
(18:56:14) luv_isblind_imnot: I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!
(18:56:15) Sam: and im gonna like do some rap in it and stuff
(18:56:19) luv_isblind_imnot: IT DRIVES ME TO CAPITAL LETTERS!
(18:56:21) luv_isblind_imnot: AHAHAHAHAHA
(18:56:22) luv_isblind_imnot: OH AHAHAHA
(18:56:24) luv_isblind_imnot: THAT IS FUNN
(18:56:26) luv_isblind_imnot: funny
(18:56:28) Sam: ok well im gonna post this on my BLOG
(18:56:35) Sam: really I will
(18:56:43) Sam: oh nice, no caps
(18:56:59) Sam: im really serious and it will turn out like super DUPER cool
(18:57:33) luv_isblind_imnot: hahahaha
(18:57:43) luv_isblind_imnot: well I hope so
(18:57:52) Sam: I'll show you!
(18:58:02) Sam: shakes his finger
(18:58:04) luv_isblind_imnot: make sure you send me it
(18:58:05) luv_isblind_imnot: fine!
(18:58:07) luv_isblind_imnot: show me!
(18:58:10) luv_isblind_imnot: let me hear it
(18:58:11) Sam: and shakes his head
(18:58:18) Sam: I haven't started yet
(18:58:42) luv_isblind_imnot: hehe
(18:58:50) luv_isblind_imnot: well I'm sure you will have lots of fun.
(18:58:56) Sam: yea
(18:59:03) Sam: ok so change subject now

any ways ... be on the look out for new and wonderfull hiphop! (NAWHH)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam!!! genki?? awesome.. I will so support you in your hip hop whatever making.. ganbare!! oh yes,, I really miss you.. hahaha

15/4/06 5:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks.. hey cool, you found me BLOG. im gonna be a rapper now Mana! yea...

15/4/06 10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you serious?? r-a-p-p-e-r?!?! wow,, sound heavy.. ganbare... not like I doubt you......... hahaha... keep up the good work.

21/4/06 10:46 PM  

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