hey like hi people, this is some stuff about me, like read it, sorry its kinda short, but its like to the point and stuff. it like tells you my name and stuff.... copyright © 2006 by sam

Saturday, April 01, 2006


man... ok i've been sick for the past few days. horrible thing it is, being sick, o like feel like puking all the time. our internet has been down for like some time. anywys this is like the weirdest thing that happened to me while i was here.
ok so simz and I were like going to walk to the gym to work out... (becasue thats like the only thing we do there. yea because its a gym... and at a gym you work out and stuff.)
and so were like half way there and i hear this crash sound. and i look in front of me and i see this broken glass bottle on the floor. and so the freak in the car like said some curse word and like drove off. i kept on walking and theni felt this bang on my shoulder. and im like o shit what if that was a bottle and i got stabbed or something. so i reach back and felt my back and there was this sticky thing on my back. and so simz looked at it and we found out that it was an egg. man i was so pissed at those ******* people. such NOOBS to even try to like do that to us...... anyways yea weird stuff.


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